“The Butler Collection of 17th Century Chinese Porcelain” Information about lecture: https://www.casaasia.cat/actividad/presentacio-del-llibre-leaping-thedragon-gate/ VIEW THE WHOLE ARTICLE ( EU ) VIEW THE WHOLE ARTICLE ( ES...
SIR MICHAEL BUTLER (1927-2013) started collecting in 1961, when 17th century Chinese porcelain was available in good quantities, was unfashionable and misunderstood. Half a century later, when his collection numbered over 850 pieces, the situation had completely...
Leaping the Dragon Gate: The Sir Michael Butler Collection of Seventeenth-Century Chinese PorcelainMay 9 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Dr. Teresa Canepa introduced the most important collection of seventeenth-century Chinese porcelain in the world, assembled by the...